Posts Tagged ‘Smoothie’

Recipe: Berry-Banana Boost Breakfast Smoothie


Ever since I got my Magic Bullet, I’ve been using it to make delicious, fruit-filled smoothies. Since this is one of the few weekdays I have off from work (and I’m up before 9am), I decided to try a healthy breakfast smoothie to start off my day.Berry Banana Smoothie


1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup yogurt (vanilla or plain)
1/2 large banana
5-8 frozen strawberries
1 scoop of whey protein powder
1 tablespoon honey (optional)


  1. Place all the ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy!

It’s so important that you don’t skip breakfast in the AM, especially if you want to keep fit and healthy. I’ve been guilty of rushing off to work sans breakfast, but now that I’ve started a routine, I’m being careful to make sure that I get some energy in the morning by either making a quick smoothie or having a couple slices of peanut-buttered toast. :)