
Review: Natrel Dark Chocolate Milk

Natrel Dark Chocolate MilkWalking through the local Metro I had to do a  double-take when I noticed a dark chocolate milk. Why didn’t they think of this before? I just had to pick one up to try.

Compared to regular 1% chocolate milk, Natrel Dark Chocolate Milk is a lot more richer, more chocolatey, thicker and a wee bit sweeter. I’m not much of a milk drinker, but this dark chocolate milk may have me hooked.

At the Grocery Innovations Canada trade show back in October 2011, Natrel Dark Chocolate Milk was voted one of the top 10 most innovative products for 2012. I can see why. Containing real dark chocolate, and presently available in Ontario and Quebec, this premium chocolate milk hits the spot, and doesn’t make you feel too guilty because it contains your needed calcium, vitamin D and protein.

Thank goodness I’m not lactose intolerant.

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