
Dear Old Spice Guy…

I first saw these hilarious and now infamous Old Spice commercials featuring the handsomely handsome Old Spice Guy earlier this year. Creatively witty, these commercials played on the “insinuation” that men who use Old Spice will smell like the Old Spice Guy, thus being able to miraculously embody the masculine awesomeness he does.

Here’s a couple of the originals featuring actor Isaiah Mustafa:

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Come on now: who can resist tall, dark and handsome? Much less towel-clad, with a sexy baritone voice, 99% muscle, and uses a wildebeest as a loofah to wash his chiseled abs? Isaiah Mustafa plays him well… very well (probably smells damn good too).

The recent, personalized video replies that are currently posted on Old Spice’s YouTube channel are a hit.

It all started just the other day with an Old Spice tweet that stated:
Today could be just like the other 364 days you log into twitter, or maybe the Old Spice man shows up.

I mean, who wouldn’t like the Old Spice Guy replying to one of their posts/tweets/comments, and in real time? I just wonder how many people are going out there and purchasing Old Spice products because of the clever viral marketing and great use of social media?

I must admit that I was (easily) sucked in to watching at least a couple dozen of them before my browser crashed (probably due to The Old Spice Guy’s super manliness). Kudos to the creative marketing and writing team behind this idea. Who would’ve thought that a company that sold after-shave that you would only buy for your 78-year old grandfather for Christmas could turn things around and cater to a younger, tech-savvy generation? The Old Spice brand has delivered a connection with potential consumers on a personal level that was not only effective, but clever, funny, and even used celebrities (e.g. check out the videos for Ellen DeGeneres, Alyssa Milano) as media outlets to get the job done.

Three slow claps for you, Old Spice!

If you haven’t already seen any of the videos in this brilliant advertising campaign, head on over to Old Spice’s YouTube channel. I guarantee you can’t stop at just one. Here are some sample vids:

What would happen if a zeppelin crashed into a bacon factory?

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I wish I had Happy Birthday “sung” to me by this guy.

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That cake sure looked delicious.

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If I were a guy, I would sooo change my voice mail message right now.

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I would so say “yes” if I was proposed to this way.

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So Old Spice Guy: Is it a possibility that Old Spice will release a line of wonderfully-smelling body products for women in hopes that using it will attract a valiant, tenacious, He-Man-like, manly man like yourself?

What do you think?

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