
Travelling between Toronto and Montreal this winter? It’ll only cost you a toonie.

Coach Canada BusHere is an excellent deal if you’re planning on travelling between Toronto and Montreal in the next several months: Coach Canada is offering $1 fares between the two cities.  Yes, that’s right.  I said one dollar. So depending on the dates you choose between the beginning of January and the end of March (the new dates were just posted within the last couple of days), you can potentially only spend $2.18 for a round trip ticket including taxes.  Now I call that a deal!

Make sure you don’t hesitate on this offer, the special $1 tickets are selling out quickly. After they’re sold out, the next batch of tickets with a reasonable price will be $10, and I’ve seen tickets between Toronto and Montreal go for as high as $60 each way with this Coach Canada promotion.  Other departure/arrival points included in this Toronto-to-Montreal deal are Scarborough, Mississauga, Whitby and Kirkland.

Visit the Coach Canada website to purchase your tickets online.

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