
An IKEA Store in Downtown Toronto?!

When I orignally heard about this news about the IKEA having a store at the corner of King and Church I was wondering how they were going to establish an IKEA store in the middle of Toronto’s design district.  I mean, treking to any IKEA location in the GTA, such as the one in Vaughan or on Leslie Street is a circus in itself… finding a good parking spot and manouvering through the aisles can be quite the experience.

Turns out it’s not going to be a full IKEA store, but only a showroom that will feature a selection of new products from their 2009 catalogue.

In celebration of the launch of the 2009 Catalogue we are opening a showroom at 143 King Street East. The showroom will feature a selection of our new products that will be found in the new Catalogue. The showroom will be open July 31 – August 3, 2008.

That seems like an awful lot of work for only four days.  Then again, it IS IKEA.  Oh, well… looks like $2 breakfasts and $1 pasta will have to stay in the boonies.

2 Responses to “An IKEA Store in Downtown Toronto?!”

  1. Monique says:

    Thanks for the link! Looking at all that IKEA stuff is making me eager to see the new catalogue!

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