
Happy Birthday To My Blog!!!

Today, June 24th, marks the first birthday (or should I say anniversary) of my blog. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I tinkered with WordPress, my first CMS , and made my first post.

I think alotaboutnothing.com has come a long way since it’s conception. My blog is frequently at the top of Google’s search engine for a variety of terms including “Turbo Jam”, “Orfus Road” and even “how to make sushi”! Alotaboutnothing.com won the popular vote from the Black Weblog Awards for ‘Best Food Blog‘. I’m very happy that I could help all you readers out there with shopping tips, reviews on different products, recipes and entertain you with my random posts.

I even got an email from blogged.com today saying that alotaboutnothing.com was rated a 8.3 out of 10 in the “entertainment” category (I might have to edit that since my blog doesn’t really fit a particular niche) by their editors. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

I started alotaboutnothing.com basically as a personal blog to post about little things that interest me, and to keep my writing skills up to par. There has been over 135 posts and a bunch of comments since then, so here’s for more in the next coming year!
Even though my schedule is a bit busy, I’ll try my best to keep my posts as frequent as possible. Don’t forget to let me know what you think about my blog! :)

3 Responses to “Happy Birthday To My Blog!!!”

  1. Lyndsey says:

    congrats on your 1 year! 135 posts! that is amazing! you are far more dedicated than myself! Keep it up, love reading your blog!

  2. Michee says:

    Congrats my friend!! U keep me informed and up to date with the things that i am also interested in…now make some BROWNIES and post it!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats and happy birthday to you and your blog, times fly fast now you blog is one year old… congrats!

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