
Turbo Jam Vs. Hip Hop Abs

As you probably know from reading my blog, I’m a bit of a shop-a-holic. Sometimes this pastime has me buying products off infomercials I see on television. Two of these products are fitness DVDs: Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs.


5 workouts on 2 DVDs include:
Learn & Burn
Turbo Sculpt
20-Minute Workout
Cardio Party
Ab Jam

Also in the package:
“Elite 11” flash cards – instructional cards that teach you the signature moves
Turbo Results step-by-step guidebook – Chalene’s secrets to success, including her weight loss meal plan, daily workout calendar, and dining out guide. A lot of healthy recipes inside for all meals, including smoothie. I also found the Eating Plan section a good read.
Turbo Slim rapid results program – an easy-to-follow meal plan and measurement tool to help you lose up to 10 inches in just 10 workouts
Turbo Sculpting gloves – weights built-in to a glove that you wear during your routine to increase muscle activity. They didn’t offer these when I bought my package last year, but they look cool.
Punch, Kick and Jam – An advanced workout where you get to use the sculpting gloves.

The Workouts:

Learn & Burn – This part of the DVD provides a quick introduction (learn) and short workout (burn) of Chalene’s “Elite 11” moves used throughout the program. These moves include the “pump”, “strike”, “row”, “turbo tuck”, “zig/zag”, “twist”, “W”, “7 Step”, “Capoeira Step”, “shake and shed” and the “wheel”. I thought this was a very well executed intro to all the moves to get beginners familiar with the techniques and proper form. But I only watched this a couple of times, then I got the hang of it.

20 Minute Workout – A good routine to play if you’re running short on time and want to get a quick burn going. Perfect for beginners.

Turbo Sculpt – If your goal is to get nice and toned, this is the workout for you. If you want to feel the maximum effect you can use a couple of light weights (e.g. 3-5lb) for this 40-minute exercise. But if you want to do it weight-free for a low-impact workout, there’s the option to follow along that way as well, and you still . Chalene makes sure to let you know the importance of doing strength training to boost your metabolism.

Cardio Party – This is my favourite routine. Not only is the music fun to work out to, but all the movements are varied and you really feel like you’ve accomplished something after the workout. Chalene make sure to warm up with all the movements at the beginning of the routine, and clearly tells you how each movement is supposed to be executed and how it will help you with your health and fitness. Out of all the moves in this workout, the speed-bag into the uppercut (done to LL Cool J’s “Mama Said Knock You Out”) is at the top of my list–really makes you feel like dancing!

Ab Jam – The focus of this routine is, like the title says, your abs. The “turbo tuck” is stressed, and Chalene is sure to keep you on your toes so that you keep the correct position. This workout is a nice complement to any of the above routines and really works out your abs.

Both DVDs have a Special Features section which includes a bio on Chalene and the Turbo Jam concept, a section on getting to know the cast (other exercisers) of all the workouts, and a cute parody of MTV’s Punk’d called Jam’d where Chalene plays a couple of tricks on her fellow cast members.

What I liked: I didn’t really get bored with Turbo Jam. I actually look forward to doing the routines, because of the music and Chalene’s positive and energetic instruction. Another reason why I liked Turbo Jam so much was that the fact that there was a nice variety of people actually taking part in the workout. Usually with these exercise DVDs you only see the super-skinny, modelesque-type. This isn’t really the case with Turbo Jam. Two of the cast members in Chalene’s workout (Mindy and Ana-Rita ) use to be one of those “testimonial” people and in the behind the scenes you get to see their before and after photos. They’re the two who also do the low-impact workout, which I find very important in these types of aerobic programs, because not a lot of people can keep up with the normal routine, and sometimes you just want a break from the high impact. There’s also several men in the cast, one of whom is a 53-year-old grandfather. I like the fact that there’s variety in the way each of the cast do their routines (a couple do it fun and funky, others high impact, and others low impact.

What I disliked: Nothing really. Maybe the routines could’ve been a bit more ‘dancy’, but other than that it was all good.

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4 workouts on 2 DVDs include:
Secrets to Flat Abs
Fat Burning Cardio
Ab Sculpt
Total Body Burn

Also in the package:
Step-by-step nutrition guide
30-day workout calendar

Hip, Buns, and Thighs (a 25-minute workout)
Results on the Run diet guide (just a tiny pamphlet on what foods to buy from fast-food restaurants if your calorie-conscious)
6-Day Slim Down plan (an easy-to-follow plan to help you lose up to 3 inchess off your waist in your first week)
Measurement card and tape measure (a nice little card to keep track of your weight/inch loss, but the tape measure is kind of cheap).

The Workouts:

Secrets to flat Abs – Using the tilt, tuck and tighten technique this 13-minute exercise helps introduce you to the different moves involved with Hip Hop Abs.

Fat-Burning Cardio – This workout was fun, especially when “Don’tcha” by The Pussycat Dolls came on (Shaun’s soonnng!). Shaun makes watching the DVD entertaining and he keeps you energized. Lots of movement with this one, and the moves are easy to pick up.

Ab Sculpt – This routine provides some decent standing ab work. Again, make sure that the tilt-tuck-tighten stance is held or you won’t feel the burn. Weighted gloves are also an option for this routine.

Total Body Burn – A little more intense than the Fat-Burning Cardio, and the use of weights are involved to intensify the workout.

Hip, Buns and Thighs – I thought this was an okay workout. My favourite move is the “dip it low”, because with some adjustments, I could probably use this move in a club. :D There’s floor exercises in this one, and they help with firming up buns and thighs and with stretching.

Last Minute Abs – A super-quick (5 minutes) workout with focus on your abs. Beginners may have a bit of trouble with this one, as there is a lot of movements, but this is one of the routines at the top of my list out of this set.

Learn To Dance – Hip Hop Groove, the ‘learn to dance’ section of the Hips, Buns, and Thighs DVD set was my favourite. The moves were a bit tricky to learn at first, and at times I had to rewind my DVD to try and get the hang of it. But once I got all the moves down, the final routine had my heart pumping and feeling like I was a background dancer in a hip hop music video. On the Last Minute Abs DVD there is also a dance routine that Shaun teaches. The moves are a bit easier to pick up than in the one on the other DVD. Very fun, and I like the fact that I could customize it with my own style.

What I liked: Shaun T definitely makes the DVDs fun and interesting. He brings high energy to all the routines and doesn’t hesitate to display his sculpted 6-pack… just something you can aim to archive on your own with hard work. The ‘Learn To Dance’ portions of these DVDs were the highlights. These DVDs also have some mini bios of some of the cast members in the Special Features section. The moves are fun to learn, and you can probably bring a few with you the next time you reach a club. If you hold the TTT position throughout the routines then you’ll really feel it in your abs. If you don’t feel like listening to Shaun during the routines and feel like dancing it up a bit more, you also have the option at the beginning of each segment to make the music louder.

What I disliked: All the cast members looked a little to perfect. I would’ve liked to see some more “real”-looking people taking part in the exercises. Also, there’s only one member of the cast doing the low-impact version of the workout, and it’s hard sometimes to watch her since the camera keeps on cutting to close-up shots of everyones abs. Speaking of abs, the back wall of the studio where Shaun and his cast are doing their routines has giant posters of close-ups of totally toned and chiseled people. I guess this can act as some sort of catalyst to spark you into achieving your dream of a flat belly… but on the other hand some people don’t need to be reminded about their flab.

I don’t know if it was just me, or if I need to review the DVDs again, but I didn’t notice very many of the cast members sweating. Shaun seemed to be the only one breaking a sweat (which is a good thing because it shows how intense the workout it), but I just found it a bit strange.

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THE VERDICT: In my books Turbo Jam wins over Hip Hop Abs. As much as I love hip hop and dance, I just found Turbo Jam to be more of an effective workout. I felt that I used more parts of my body, rather than just focusing on my abs, and I actually broke a sweat after each workout. Chalene went into more detail about health and fitness in relation to her own routine as the workouts were being taught, moreso than Shaun T did in Hip Hop Abs. I found Turbo Jam a highly effective combination of martial arts, aerobics, dance, capoeira and tai chi. Perhaps that’s why I picked up muai Thai kickboxing so quickly! Here’s a link to some Turbo Jam testimonials (I acutally know Rob A. in the video, and participated in his Turbo Kick classes in Toronto.  Chalene also has a nice blog… lots of healthy recipes, fitness advice and posts about her life and career there.
So, if I were to choose between Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs, I’d go with Turbo Jam. If you have the extra cash and lucked out with some deals off of eBay or Amazon, then buy both if you like. But remember, these workouts are only as effective as you make them to be. Try to do them at least every other day if you want to see results. Remember that the secret to see some results is holding down either the “Turbo Tuck” or “Tilt, Tuck, Tighten” position throughout the routines.

As for results, I’ll admit I didn’t keep up with them as much as I’d like. But I was using Turbo Jam on a regular basis (4-5 times a week) for about a month or so, and I did notice a huge change in my metabolism and stamina–routines that were causing me to break a sweat 5 minutes in, were becoming easier to do. I also noticed that I could climb stairs a lot more easier as well… :D Also, since diet plays a huge role as far as noticeable results are concerned, I didn’t stick to 100% healthy eating on a scheduled basis for very long to see the changes in my body, unfortunately. But I did, start eating a lot healthier than I was and watched my calorie intake. I actually remember noticing a couple of pounds disappearing from the scale 3 weeks into my routine. Just remember to keep active with these routines and watch what you eat if you want to see any change in the way you look and feel.


  • Probably the most important thing other than cardio burning if you want to tone up your body and lose weight is watching what you eat.
  • Take note of your BMI and figure out how many calories you should be eating each day in order to maintain or lose weight.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Try your best not to skip it.
  • Be sure to eat lots of fruits and veggies, and lower your portion sizes. An example of your dinner plate should be split into three portions: 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein (lean meat, poultry or fish) and 1/4 starch (pasta, rice or potatoes).
  • Eating 5-6 small meals a day (spaced 2-3 hours apart), instead of 3 large meals will help you lose the weight you want. Doing this will keep your metabolism strong and constant throughout the day, and prevent your body from going into ‘hibernation mode’ (storing fat) when you go a long time without food and then gorge on a big meal.
  • Don’t forget: protein is also important to help your body build and repair itself. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn! You might want to pick up some Whey Protein for the local nutrition store and use a bit of it in your smoothies, cereal or shakes.
  • Having a “cheat day” (where you can eat that mouth-watering slice of chocolate cake, or drink that can of Pepsi) once a week will help with the transition process.

No matter which workout routine you use, just remember what Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod say: Keep fit and have fun!

25 Responses to “Turbo Jam Vs. Hip Hop Abs”

  1. Lee Coles says:

    Fantastic review. Keep fit and have fun is right.

  2. Monique says:

    Thanks Lee! :)

  3. sade says:

    hi i really found your information really helpful and i thank oyu for that.

    hi i got the videos but i do not have the “turbo jam step by step guide book” that show you the exercise calender which shows you exercise to do and whatdya and the eating plan can you please email it to me and that will be very grateful.

  4. chiara says:

    hi: i really enjoyed your information. i have the hip hop and just picked up the turbo jam today so i’m excited to see the difference. do you offer information on other infomercial items?


  6. rachel says:

    If anyone has the instructional booklet for the Turbo Jam plan that they could email to me I would appreciate it. I have the DVDs but not instructional booklet.


  7. Ashley says:

    if anyone could please email me the instruction booklet or copies of the elite 11 moves or some that would be apprecitaed very much i am tring to loos my baby weight

  8. maureen says:

    If anyone has the instructional booklet or food plan for the Turbo Jam plan that they could email to me I would appreciate it. I have the DVDs but not instructional booklet.

  9. koffee says:

    Thanks for the review! Could you/anyone tell me if the sculpting gloves and instructional booklets are very useful? I have the Cardio Party and Ab Jam (pink) DVD but not the Learn & Burn, etc. (blue) DVD. I’m thinking of whether I should buy the whole set off the Turbo Jam site or just the blue DVD from Amazon since it’d save me a lot of money. Thanks in advance!

  10. patricia says:

    I was comparing these two based on the informercial and was so happy to find your review, it really helped me make up my mind!

  11. anita says:

    great review….everything I needed know.

    thank you so much

  12. Christal S says:

    What an amazing review. I say amazing because I have them both and I absolutely feel the same way! I just watched a couple minutes of them both when I first got them. I was way intimidated with the ‘elite 11’ and put Turbojam to the side and got down with Shaun T. After a couple of weeks my confidence was up and so I hopped into Turbojam and I haven’t done hiphop abs since(unfortunately). I felt like I could be a part of that cast because the people were so diverse in age, ethnicity, and impact levels. I’ve been doing it for 3 months now, initially about 3 times a week but now it’s more like 4-6 times including weekends! I’ve never stuck with a routine/dvd this long E V E R. Now I want every series/addition to turbojam and ‘accessory’. Thanks for posting such an awesome review!

  13. Jasmine says:

    Hi, thanks for the review. I would have to agree with you. I find turbo jam is much better. It’s more fun and you don’t really think about exercising and then you’re done and full of sweat! The music is also great.

    For anyone who’s looking, buy all the dvds if possible. If you get bored with one workout, you skip to the next. There is so much variety, it’s hard to get bored and there’s always fun moves in every dvd. Plus the gloves do help, bring up more of a sweat and a harder workout, it helped me with the muscles in my arms.

  14. Ms J says:

    I read your review sometime in March and decided to buy Turbo Jam instead of Hip Hop Abs. All I can say is that people are different because I’m kinda stuck with the Turbo Jam DVDs. I find it uninspiring and repetitive and the music is nothing to write home about. Now trying to sell them. Just thought I should mention that this workout is not for everyone. And Charlene is …well … I didn’t like her. But I accept we all have different likes and dislikes. Take Care

  15. CC says:

    Great tips on my way to placing an order for TJ. I will look it up on Amazon and Ebay. Thanks again! Wishing all of you the very best!

  16. yoyo says:

    great review!! really helped

  17. DJinny says:

    It’s so funny you must make a critic of them both cause i tried them pretty much together too!
    I love them both!
    Keep having fun!

  18. veronica says:

    i just started the turbo jam last week but i dont have with me“turbo jam step by step guide book” that show you the exercise i have to do each day and the eating plan can you please email it to me… i love the video i hope i lose wieght….. :)

  19. Arezou says:

    Hi, thanks for the information.can you please tell me where can I find the calendar for turbo jam? Cause I really don’t know when to do what! Thanks

  20. Gale says:

    Hi I have the videos for turbo jam, but don’t have the “turbo jam step by step guide book” that show you the exercise calendar. If you could please email it to me. Thank you so much!

  21. Thanks for the info, and nice videos, they helped me a lot.

    i am still learning on how to do those steps.

  22. jes says:

    i was going to buy turbo-jam & then saw the hip-hop-abs infomercial & became a little indecisive. you’re post has really cleared up the differences between the two, & thank you very much!

  23. Stephanie says:

    I love love love Turbo Jam. I am an infomercial junkie myself when it comes to fitness programs. I have many. I had great success with Turbo Jam about three years ago, I lost 20lbs looked better then I did in high school. Then my husband & I chose to have a baby. I am committed to get back, or close too, where I was before the pregnancy. I am going to start Turbo Jam again but I have misplaced the step by step guidebook. I am really only interested in the workout calender. Would you be able to e-mail that?

  24. Angela says:

    I LOVE Turbo Jam!!! I lost 50lbs easily. It really works! The meal plan is amazing and it really helped me not feeling like I was dieting. Not even close. I would recommend this to anyone. If you stick with the videos and follow the plan, you are GUARANTEED to lose weight. I lost 7lbs in the first 10 days and 25lbs in the first 2 months. Great Videos!!!

  25. Angela says:

    Is it possible to email me the meal plan? I let someone borrow it and I have lost contact with them and desperately need it again. Thank you very much! I started doing it again to use on my off days of Muay Thai kickboxing and would like to shed some more pounds. The meal plan is the only thing that worked for me as far as the food part…. Thanks Angela

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