
The New American Gladiators

Did any of you check out this revamped show this past Sunday and Monday night? I have to admit, I was anticipating it’s debut… mainly because I was a big fan of the original show back in the early 90s (Nitroooo!). Sunday and Monday’s debut episodes were 2 hours each (which I found a tad long), but the show sticks to it’s Monday timeslot at from 8-9pm beginning next week.

My thoughts? I thought it was okay. They did the original series justice (no pun intended) by keeping a lot of the original events in with a few modifications. Putting a pool of water below events like Joust and Hang Tough, instead of the pads was cool. Too bad I could never go on this show since I can’t swim. :D I found there was way too much talking though… too many interviews with the contestants (and it seemed there were a lot of commercial breaks)… I wanted to see more action. I liked the new event of Hit and Run… looked kind of fun. :D The Wall has always been one of my favs though.

The Eliminator seemed a bit long. What’s w/ the fire on water… seems a little dangerous (one of the first contestants hit her head on the fire emitting metal bar). Get rid of the hand-bike already… or at least put it near the beginning when the contestants have more energy. LOL… they all were so exhausted at the end. One female contestant literally just lied down and hung on to the top of the reverse escalator near the end of it, losing her huge lead. I didn’t like the barrel roll thing they had in it either.
Most of the Gladiators seem all right. From the men’s side I like Toa, and on the woman’s side I think Crush and Fury are cool. I wouldn’t want to be caught alone in a dark alley with Hellga though.

Check out a clip from the new series and the original:

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