
The Cat-Saving TTC Bus Driver

I was on my way home from work on Friday night, waiting at the bus station, wondering why my bus was 10 minutes late.  There were over a dozen passengers waiting for the same bus, and as it finally came around the corner we all ushered in and were surprised to see a sweet-looking, brown, Persian cat sitting near the front doors on top of the platform that’s over the front-right wheel.

Everyone was wondering what this cat was doing on the bus.  As the driver pulled out of the station, she got on her intercom and started to tell us the story as to why she was late:  apparently this poor cat was crossing the road and the driver had seen it get clipped by a passing car.  Instead of leaving the injured cat out in the cold, she brought the cat into the bus, sat it down on the platform, called the SPCA. and continued on to the station.  The SPCA was going to meet her and pick up the cat on route.

After the driver had told everyone on the bus the story, everyone was understanding and stated that that was a good reason to be late.  The cat seemed like it had a broken leg (I saw it try to get up and walk but it kept on falling down :( ).  One of the other passengers on the bus got up to pick the cat up off the floor where it fell and make sure it was back on the platform sitting and steady as the bus was moving (she even admitted that she was allergic to cats). Such a beautiful cat, though.  It didn’t have a collar, but appeared to be well-taken care of.  Perhaps, the cat just got out of it’s owners home without them knowing and was trying to get back.  I hope that it’s leg is on the mend and that it’s back in a warm, loving home.

Kudos to the TTC driver with the good heart. :)

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