
Back In The Day…

Pacifier NecklaceI’m throwing a baby shower this weekend for a close friend of mine, so I stopped at Party Packagers today to pick up some decorations and stuff. I came across a party favour in one of the aisles that brought be back to all those wacky 90s fashion trends: Pacifier necklaces.

If you were a girl in elementary school back in the early 90s you’d remember the fad of wearing those acrylic pacifiers as accessories around your neck back in the day. I admit had a couple… but I wasn’t on E or anything… :D

3 Responses to “Back In The Day…”

  1. Mizz NYCE says:

    DONT LIE!! You Had NUFFF of these!! I member you had a purple one i think…lol

  2. Lyndsey says:

    I had some of these, and funny enough i was just talking about them the other day! hahaha man we were cool!

  3. Cristin says:

    Yes! I had the purple one! I was just explaining the fad to the folks in my office.

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