
Damn You Mr. Jobs! Stop Releasing Super-Cool Gadgets!

Apple iPod Touch - It sucks that I don’t have wads of cash just lying around. I think I’m due for a new mp3 player… and the iPod Touch is it. As for the overview of this new gadget:

[The iPod Touch] features built-in Wi-Fi networking and a revolutionary multi-touch user interface—first introduced on iPhone—that makes it easy to find all of your music, video, and other digital content and enjoy it on the gorgeous widescreen display on iPod touch. The multi-touch interface uses pioneering new software to present the perfect user interface for Safari, Apple’s YouTube application, and the new iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store—all of which come with iPod touch. An unbelievable 8mm thin, iPod touch features up to 22 hours of audio playback and up to five hours of video playback. Available later this month, iPod touch comes in 8GB and 16GB models for $299 and $399, respectively.

It’s a damn good thing I didn’t waste my money buying the original iPods/Nanos, because this one is just so sexy! :)

*starts putting coins in piggy bank to pay for iPod Touch*

Click here for the guided tour of the iPod Touch from Apple.

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