
Heroes Season 2 Season Premiere

Hiro and Kensei from Heroes - nbc.comI’ve been waiting on this episode for months! And it was well worth the wait because it kept me wanting more.

Set 4 months after the time when the season finale ended, tonight’s episode of Heroes let faithful viewers piece together the happenings after the citizens of NYC eluded the Peter-the-bomb-threat.

Almost didn’t recognize Nathan with his new bush-man beard. Glad to see hottie Peter is still alive, even though he was trapped in a shipping crate in Ireland for what seems like months.

Poor Hiro… he always seems to get himself into some predicament. He needs to beware of that whole space-time-continuum thing. Kensei not being Japanese is a bit of a twist.

Looks like Claire’s made a new friend, even though he kinda has stalker tenancies with him flying up to her window and ogling her from a distance, then floating off like a feather in the wind.

Nice to see that Matt finally made detective (although he got a divorce) and Mohinder still fighting the good fight. Molly’s dreams are freaking me out though. I wonder what the writers are gonna do with that storyline.

The elders Ms. Petrelli and Mr. Nakamura have a long history behind them. It sucks that it doesn’t look like George Takei is going to be in any more episodes. Maya (Dania Ramierez) is a nice addition to the show. I like the dichotomy in her character as it pertains to her personality and her dark power.

Can’t wait until next week! :)

I also PVR-ed Journeyman. Looks like a decent show from the previews, but I’m too tired to watch it right now, so maybe tomorrow.

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