
Wow… That’s One Big Salad!

Being the food-lover that I am, I made sure I made an appearance at the Taste of Lawrence Festival this weekend. Just celebrating it’s 4th year, the festival featured fun and entertainment for the whole family: carnival rides, stage performances, artisans, activities, and most importantly, food from around the multicultural neighborhood .

The corner of Warden and Lawrence was filled with people of all ages, but probably the most spoken about exhibit was the assembly and distribution of the 200-foot long, 3-foot wide and 18-inch deep salad that was being served to everyone in attendance. Slated to feed about 15, 000 people and made from mostly locally-grown produce, the World’s Largest Multicultural Salad was divided into seven sections–each representing a different ethic group in Scarborough. I choose to try some of the Mediterranean salad which included some yummy, dried red peppers and croûtons. I couldn’t help but take some extra salad dressing samples home. ;)

The giant salad was a kick-off to the new Scarborough Taste:

Scarborough Taste was created to showcase some of Toronto’s most diverse and exciting places to eat, restaurants that reflect Scarborough’s international and multicultural heritage.
Over the next 21 days, Scarborough Taste brings you an opportunity to sample this diverse cuisine at discount prices. Try one or try them all. Travel the world without leaving Toronto. If you have a sense of adventure, you won’t be disappointed.

Visit dine.to for more information on participating restaurants.
World’s Largest Multicultural SaladA fire-eater entertains the crowd

2 Responses to “Wow… That’s One Big Salad!”

  1. R says:

    lmao@”Being the food-lover that I am”

    understatement of the year :D

  2. Monique says:

    You’re one to talk!

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