
If The Shoe Fits… Buy It!

Just when I got back some money that was owed to me, and swore to myself that I would save it, I spent it! But it’s wasn’t really an unnecessary purchase: I got shoes! :D

If you don’t know already, I’ve got really big feet. It’s a curse I’m afraid, because I’m not the expected height that a person with my foot-size should be.

I wear a womens 12 (yes, I said twelve), and it can be fairly depressing at times. Too frequently, I see cute, sexy, or stylish shoes at the local shoe store, but alas, whenever I ask the store clerk what the largest size they carry for women I get, “We go up to size 10” followed by a look of shock when I tell them what size I take. I can’t help it… I was born with big hands and feet, long arms and legs. It has it’s advantages though… I can palm a basketball, and jump really high, am undefeated at thumb-wrestling and I can reach those Pringles that are at the bottom of the can without tipping the container over.

But finding nice women’s shoes is the biggest disadvantage. I found some cute, black pumps at Winners in a 12 last year (my face lit up when I saw the green circular sticker with 12 stamped on it). I usually wear mens runners when I need athletic shoes, and thank God Payless came to Canada when my growth spurt hit, or I wouldn’t have any women’s shoes to wear. Mind you, that it’s not very often that I find nice shoes at Payless in my size, because there’s usually a column or two of shoes left once you pass the size 11 mark.

I can squeeze into a size 11, but if I actually want to walk properly I need a 12 (or at least an 11 wide… size 11 sandals usually fit).

Now… on to the cute shoes I bought today: Black flats that I’ve been looking for for months! On Payless Shoes“sale” for $29.99 (and I put “sale” in quotation marks because the American Payless Shoesource site is selling them for $14.99US… that’s almost 1/2 price when you take into consideration that the Canadian dollar is about 0.95 cents US!) Oh, well… if the shoe fits… buy it (at least in my predicament)!

Oh, did I mention that I found out that Zappos finally offers shipping to Canada now, and that I bought 3 pairs of shoes (in MY size) off of their site last week? It only cost me $80. I can’t wait ’til I get them! :D

4 Responses to “If The Shoe Fits… Buy It!”

  1. Denise says:

    Can you palm the men sized basketball? If so that is amazing!

  2. Monique says:

    LOL… barely. I could palm it for probably a couple of seconds, but then the ligaments in my hand get sore. :D

  3. Esta says:

    LOL off – it’s true. I never realized how hard it can be for a woman to find shoes but in Monique’s case it’s true – if the shoe fits – BUY IT!!!

    I’ve never won a thumb wrestle contest but then I can also borrow all my sisters and friends shoes because I’m a size 7.5.

    Seriously you can reach the bottom of a Pringles tube without tipping it??? This I have to see.

  4. Monique says:

    Thanks for bragging about your tiny feet, Es. Now I feel even more depressed! :( Buy me a can of light regular Pringles please!

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