
Guide To Shopping at Orfus Road Outlet Stores

Orfus RoadOrfus Road. This is an area of Toronto, that will make you think twice about venturing off State-side to do your outlet shopping, and spend your hard-earned Canadian dollars inside the country. Tourists? Orfus Rd. is a must-visit if you want to make sure you honour your promise of bringing back your parents, your cousins, aunts and uncles, all your sisters and brothers something nice (yet economical) when you return home. If you haven’t been to Orfus Road before, or need a refresher course for stores to hit, here’s a guide that will help. I’ve listed most of the stores I frequent, and some other notable outlets.

When To Go

You’ll need at least a couple of hours to get a good feel of Orfus Road. The best time of day to go is in the morning or early afternoon, because the stores get packed later on in the day with people getting off work or school. Weekends are almost always busy, but again, aim for a early visit. Most of the stores are open during official holidays (I’ve been on Canada Day, and Civic Holiday in August) so take this into consideration when you’re suffering from withdrawal when all the other malls are closed.

If you’re brave, try shopping on Boxing Day for amazing deals, but be prepared brave the mosh-pit of hungry bargain hunters and to wait a while in line to cash out. I went once in the late evening, but regretted it a bit because the lines were extremely long. It’s times like those that I wish I was a morning person.


It’s close enough to the suburbs that people on the outskirts can get to in a reasonable amount of time, and near enough to the subway line for easy access. Orfus Road is located between Caledonia Road and Dufferin Street in Toronto, just north of Lawrence Ave. Landmark-wise it’s about a 7-minute walk from the great Yorkdale shopping mall.


Some of the stores have regular retail hours, but the majority of them are only open until 6pm Monday to Wednesday and close between 7-9 for the rest of the week. On the weekend hours are usually 10-6 on Saturday and 10-5 on Sunday. Check the store’s official site for detailed hours of operation.

What to wear

Dress for the weather and keep in mind that some of these stores might be a tad humid inside from the mass of shoppers and you might start to sweat while your dashing across the aisle trying to snatch that last red blouse before someone out-races you.

You’ll probably get tired from walking because there are a lot of outlets on this stretch of road. So forget the stylish heels and wear some comfy running shoes and well as roomy pants/shorts. Trust me… if you’re a shop-a-holic like I am, you’ll thank me for it.

Note that in most of the stores, you’ll have to leave your shopping bags at the doors. They’ll give you a pick-up ticket for it. It benefits both the store (from those naughty kleptomaniacs) and you (so you have more free arms to hold merchandise in).

Orfus Road MapHow To Get There

There are a couple of ways to get to Orfus Rd. depending on your location in the city. If you’re taking public transit, and are near a subway line, make your way to Wilson Station and catch the #29 Dufferin bus south (a 4 minute bus ride… I wouldn’t walk it from the station though). I usually take this route b/c the Dufferin bus runs pretty frequently and I tend to be a bit lazy at times… :D

Alternatively, you can take the subway to Yorkdale, walk through the mall (being careful not to spend too much of your Orfus Road money inside), and exit at Sears. Then you can walk through the parking lot, cross the street, walk down a couple of blocks and hit Orfus Road.

You can also bus it towards Dufferin St. and take the #29 north to Orfus Road, if you’re south of the area.

If you’re driving, the 401 is right there, so just exit on Dufferin St. and drive south for a couple seconds to Orfus Road.


If you’re planning on driving to Orfus Road during the busy hours (usually on weekend afternoons), be prepared for a lot of traffic and a lot of searching to find a parking spot. The outlets don’t have many spots in front of the store (especially Stitches, and compared to the amount of people who shop inside, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a spot). Your best bet is to park in the Yorkdale Adult Learning Centre/Secondary School parking lot (in the middle of Orfus Road), or at Rinx (if they’re not too busy), then walk your way towards the myriad of shops during your shopping extravaganza.


Ah, yes… a lot of shopping calls for fuel. There a noodle place and a Korean restaurant near the Dufferin side of Orfus Road. If you have a sweet tooth, stop in at Demetre’s for some sweet crepes and ice cream. There are always hot dog venders within feet of each other on Orfus Road, so you can always buy some street meat to satisfy your hunger for $2. Don’t forget about Dollarama where you can purchase some cold drinks for a loonie.

Public Washrooms

There aren’t any public washrooms in any of the stores (at least in the ones I’ve been to). Signs are usually posted attributing to that fact). So if you have to go, try Rinx (the large indoor entertainment complex), one of the restaurants near Dufferin Street or wait until you get home.


All the stores should have a choice of payment options: Cash, Debit, Visa or Mastercard (with the expection of Dollarama which is cash only, although now I think they’ve implemented a debit machine). Just make sure you have extra for all those impulse buys!

The Stores

My pick of the best bargain, dollar store. It’s one of the first stores you’ll see when you head down Orfus Road off of Dufferin. The wide selection of merchandise (and it’s quality compared to similar dollar stores) is great, in my opinion. You can find anything here. Whether you need to accessorize your new apartment, shop for summer party supplies, or just need some snacks to sneak into the nearby movie theatre, Dollarama’s got it. And guess what? Everything is only $1 (or less).

Grande Cheese Factory Outlet
Right next to Dollarama, this place has got to be a cheese-lover’s paradise. I’m sorry to say that as a cheese-lover, I haven’t gotten the chance to stop here yet… mainly b/c I didn’t want to shop for clothes carrying around a bunch of cheese in hot weather, or try to balance mounds of cheese with a handful of bags full of clothes after a day of shopping. I will make a stop there soon though. I heard they have a broad variety of Italian food products, deli-meats, and almost every kind of cheese imaginable at reasonable prices.

Urban Behaviour World
A nice mix of casual and club clothing at great prices. They have a large 3 for $10 rack in the middle of the store, but you’ll have to search to find something that you’ll like. A bunch of samples and end of season merchandise is located at the rear of the store. The rest of the outlet is filled with multiple offers (e.g. 2 for $10, 2 for $15), and current fashion items on the wall displays are priced between 30 and 50% off the regular price. I always find something I like when I go here. The have a men’s outlet a few stores down on the same side of the street.

Le Chateau
There’s a mix of dressy and casual style items at this liquidation outlet that carries men’s and women’s high-quality fashions, footwear and accessories. Their dress selection is pretty good, so if you’re looking for something semi-formal to wear at a good price, here’s the place to get it. The sizes are varied as well, which is a plus. Best of all, it’s a Canadian manufacturer/retailer. A great place to discount shop (especially during their midnight madness events).

Nine West Shoe Studio Outlet
A large selection of both out-of-season and current styles of fashion footwear, handbags and accessories at good prices. I just wished they carried shoes in my size (yes, I have big feet). It’s located beside the Le Chateau outlet.

StitchesStitches Outlet
I remember when Stitches was the hot spot to shop for clothes back when I was in high school. With the exception of the knock-off ‘Exco’ gear, this outlet store is packed full of great deals on clothes for the season for both men and women. I bought my winter jacket a few years back for $10… and boy was it ever warm! There’s so much stock here, that I think they can afford to sell the clothes as cheap as they do (mostly out of season with a great selection of current merchandise). Currently they have a “save 50% off the lowest ticketed price on everything in the store” sale (they do this periodically throughout the year) which can be as low as $2.50 for a tank top or skirt. I even noticed that they started to organize their jean display tables by size which is a plus (size 0 – 15). One note: There’s no dressing room.

With a lot of the same fashions as Stitches, this outlet is located in the same ‘mega store’ warehouse as it’s sister-store. The selection is not as varied, but they usually have the same type of sales. Like Stitches, there’s no dressing room, so be prepared to give some of your purchased items to friends or charity if they don’t fit when you get home (at those prices, it doesn’t matter anyway).

Costa Blanca
For one of the smaller outlets, this store has a decent selection of ‘flirty’ wear for women. They had some really nice summer dresses for $15 the last time I was there, along with some cute accessories.

Beddington’s Bed & Bath
This privately owned Canadian retail chain specializes in quality fashion beddings and bath items, as well as some home decor merchandise. They usually have great deals and a good selection of sheets, duvet covers and bath towels.

Here you’ll find a lot of clearance merchandise that you may have seen at regular retail Fairweather stores. A pretty good all-around selection of casual clothes, summer dresses to more formal wear and business attire. Often has ‘tax-free’ sales and 2 for $10-ish deals.

Kitchen Stuff PlusKitchen Stuff Plus
I love kitchen gadgets, and Kitchen Stuff Plus outlet sure has a lot of them. Along with bathroom accessories, ceramics, kitchen appliances, candles, furniture, cookware, glassware and other home decor items, this store has sure got a wide selection of merchandise at great prices. Some brand names they carry include KitchenAid, Cuisinart and Umbra. Don’t forget to take a look at their little bargain bins near the front of the store by the cash registers… they usually have good clearance items there. Several times a year (during the warmer months), Kitchen Stuff Plus hosts ‘garage sales’ outside of their Orfus Road location to sell off various items that were either overstock, out of season, slightly damaged or missing part of the set. Near the end of the sale for the day, they’ll usually sell you a large plastic bag for $5 and tell you to fill it up with whatever’s left on the table (if you’re lucky, there’ll still be some decent items left) in order to get rid of the stock. I’m just glad I got my uber-cool travel coffee mug for $1, that sells for over $20 in the store!

The Shopping Channel – Off Air Outlet
All those gadgets and gizmos you’ve seen on The Shopping Channel will probably make its way to this outlet, which has a large selection of discounted merchandise. Best of all, you can see the products up close and even try some of them out.

Bikini Bay
Here you’ll find a large variety of swim-wear for women, girls, boys, and even babies. They also carry a selection of men’s swim trunks and aerobic-wear priced to clear.

Roots Factory Outlet
Roots has some of end-of-season and clearance merchandise, such as jackets, shoes, bags, accessories and casual clothing for the whole family. A great spot for saving off the regular prices (make sure you catch their sales promotions).

Barnes & Castle
Here’s another kitchen and houseware outlet that will be beneficial to visit. Barnes & Castle has clearance-priced, discontinued and new small kitchen appliances, cookware and flatware. If your hosting a party at your home, this is a good place to stop at for platters and drink glasses.

Sil Vous Play Sports
Not exactly on Orfus Road, but it’s located just off it at 131 Cartwritght Ave. I know there’s always a line up when a sale is announced at their Steeles and Highway 27 location, but I’ve never been to this one. They’re closed on Monday and Tuesday, but they have a nice selection of shoes, apparel, accessories and sporting equipment from brand names such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Converse, Reebok, Timberland, Vans and K Swiss.

Other Outlets
There are many other stores on Orfus, including Bennix & Co, International Clothiers, Randy River, Ponti Designer Menswear, bridal wear shops and other wholesale retailers. Way too many to name and review in this guide, but be sure to visit them yourself (you don’t have to buy anything.)

Head Home and Clear Out Your Closets

I hope this guide on Orfus Road will be beneficial to you. Hopefully it won’t cause too much strain on your wallet. It’s a great area to shop year-round for those Christmas gifts, and half the fun is browsing, not necessarily buying. When you get home, you can go through your closet and drawers, organize your old clothes to make room for all the new ones, by giving some to the local Goodwill or charity. One of the best parts of a visit to Orfus Road is finding that one-of-a-kind item that cost you next to nothing. Multiple visits are recommended. ;)

180 Responses to “Guide To Shopping at Orfus Road Outlet Stores”

  1. lexii says:

    I go to orfus at least once a week, dont forget right across from orfus is a great Japanese restaurant! sushi and all =]

  2. Harman says:

    Hey, I’ve been there before, but I’ve heard that they moved the Sirens to the road beside or something?

  3. Amy says:

    Dose any one know how late it;s open on the weekdays??

  4. Brittny says:

    This was really nice! Thank you for writing all this up! I heard about orfus road but never knew what to expect so this was a huge help! I’m definately going to check it out now! Thank you! :)

  5. Dhillon says:

    Hey !!
    Thx to all, who posted their experiences. I found this information today. I haven’t ehared about it and i m looking for so many dresses to buy for different age group of persons and without visiting there from your comments, i found a nice place ..named Orfus road.

  6. Dan says:

    Haven’t been here before, so i was wondering if there were any nike or adidas stores near here? Thanx

  7. kara says:

    Hey, does anyone know if Orfus road is opened on Labour Day (Sept 6th, 2010)? Thanks! Or which stores are opened?

    Or who I can contact about this? Thanks.

  8. Pearl says:

    I love Orfus Road…..I try to do Orfus once a month…..It’s like heaven for females….

  9. Kris says:

    Heading out to Orfus Road tomorrow. Hopefully, there’s some good deals, I’ll keep u guys posted :)

  10. rashid says:

    many thanks for the invaluable information which i was looking for quite a long tme. i got them all here. i am sure to visit there soon.

  11. lulu says:

    This is soo helpful, i’ve never been to orfus road before, some of my friends always brag about the good deal and stuff.
    Now i know how to get there, thnx!!

  12. Lina says:

    It is like HEAVENS for females! you can find possibly anything at the cheapest price ever! I don’t go to the mall anymore, the prices are 50 to 80 & higher. Orfus road is the best place to be at! You won’t regret. I try to go there as often as i could!

  13. Jade says:

    Is it open family day?

  14. Anju says:

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for all the info on Orfus Mall,Does any one know if it’s open on Family day, I mean tomorrow Monday FEb.21.11 please update…I wanted to go there tomorrow.

  15. Nancy says:

    Does this Orfus Rd. have an plus size stores? It’s now March 2011, are the deals still good. I noticed this blog was first started in 2007. Any news?

  16. joelle says:

    Many many moons ago my sister and I found a store that custom makes shoes.
    you can pick the heel and the colour of the leather with or without laces etc.
    Does this store still exist and if so please please let me know where it is and how to contact them.
    thank you kindly!

  17. malisa says:

    hi i was wondering if there was any outlets there that are for girls bigger then size 20 please let me know

  18. Missy says:

    What stores have change rooms?

  19. Laura says:

    Orfus road is the worst. You can’t try on the clothes because there aren’t any change rooms or even mirrors to see if the colour or style against your body. And ALL SALES ARE FINAL. So they bring all the clearence items from various stores are brought to Orfus road and the the customer is to BUY AT THERE OWN RISK!! So when you get home you realize you bought a whole lot of nothing, and spent money you didn’t need to spend.

  20. amrita says:

    Can anyone tell me if Orfus Road is open tomorrow (April 22, 2011)? It’s Good Friday.

  21. Monique says:

    Yes, Orfus Road is open today (Good Friday).

  22. Mohammed says:

    Thanks for the info. This way I can plan it out.

  23. miss thing says:

    wow this was very informative. my friend is constantly talking about orfus road.
    so we are trying to go soon!
    thank you so much for doing this. :D

  24. Jman says:

    Can you tell me the bridal outlets and the hours if possible?

  25. Tyra says:

    My friend was visiting from St. Lucia,I took her there she got lots of great deals on clothing,she was very surprised at the affordable prices.She definitely want’s to make it back to visit Orfus rd. again.

  26. nikki1020 says:

    is there a Birkenstock outlet near by? Someone said they got a pair on Orfus?

  27. lalaaa says:

    Is orfus open on Canada day ?

  28. Mariam says:

    hey , awesome info .
    I heard that some store in
    orfus road sells converse for really
    cheap prices ? do you think
    you know which store ?
    I sure don’t wanna go thru every
    store looking for one thing !!

  29. Tingu says:

    Great post! It was really helpful. I just have one suggestion, could you please include which one of the outlet stores have changing rooms? Because that is a very important factor of cloth shopping for me and I heard a lot of the stores don’t have changing rooms

  30. Malena says:

    Can anyone tell me if Orfus Road is open tomorrow August 01, 2011? …Thanks

  31. erica says:

    ardenes has a change room

  32. erica says:

    what i do when i go to orfus road is where thin tights so i can pull on pants or skirts to see if they fit.a little tank top so you can pull on tops.just a suggestion. some people say you cant try on, i just do it when they not looking or keep claiming oh i didnt know lol. i definitely dont wanna spend money on stuff that cant fit me so i am gonna try stuff on.

  33. erica says:

    nancy, im not sure about plus sizes because my cousin is plus size and she never finds anything except in sirens their tops are sometimes really big because its the style so sometimes she can get tops.

    lastweek i was at orfus road. i got pencil skirts,nice and classy for 2.50. nice short dress pants for 4.00, fashion belts for 1.00 and a few summer dresses for 5.00, 3 pairs of pjs pants and tops for 10.00, 2 pairs skinny jeans for 10.00,panty 1.00 each. i dont walk the whole of orfus road. i normally go sirens, stitches and ardenes.

  34. Alicia says:

    Thanks for posting your last note Erica July 31st. I’m heading down there today and these are the prices I want to hear!!

  35. DADA says:

    Been there, done that, got the skirt(s), hooker heels for $5, dresses for $10,absolutely amazing place. They are right when they say tough parking around there, be prepared to walk. Dollarama prices were $1.00 for everything but a cpl years ago they brought in new stock and pricing changed but everything is still less than $2.00. Washrooms are very scarce so plan your day well. Head off to the mall when nature calls but plan to be leaving by then and all will be fine.

    We are headed back there this weekend and are armed with lots of money and a cpl guys with time to drop us and come back (Cellphones will facilitate pickups) This should solve the baggage problems, one quick call and transport services will arrive right where we are, we can load up the vehicle and dive back in. If nature calls the guys can pick up, drive to the mall and return us to where we left off. Love you guys…

  36. Paula says:

    Had a great time at orfus rd until my mom got pick pocketed so becareful of you purses. She didn,t even feel them take it. Great day and sales…

  37. Monique says:

    Yikes, Paula! Sorry to hear that! You have to be careful everywhere you go.
    *** Just so readers of this blog entry know, I’ve been meaning to update this post with a recent listing of stores and info. Stay tuned… ***

  38. cheche says:

    hi! thanks! planning to go this weekend and reading this would help me a lot !

  39. Mona Kaur says:

    Seriously? Who really shops in these junky cheap stores? You are wasting your money. All of the clothing stores carry low quality clothing that you will be putting in the garbage after you wash it and wear it once. Dollarama? OMG, why even mention it. If you want to spend money wisely, go to Vaughan Mills and shop at Miss Sixty Warehose, Browns Warehouse, Holt Renfrew Last Call, BCBG Warehouse, Calvin Klein, just to name a few…dont. High quality clothing, shoes and accessories for a fraction of the price. I would never let me daughter wear clothes from Sirens! C’mon!

  40. Chantel says:

    will orfus be open on thanksgiving day ?

  41. Monique says:

    The only day I believe Orfus Road is closed is on Christmas Day (Dec. 25th).

  42. nora says:

    thank you very much for your efforts and these detailed information , i’ve never been there before ,now i’m very enthousiast to go
    thanks again

  43. sunshinee says:

    can you buy straightners or flat irons from orfus if yes then what stores?

  44. herpaderpadoo says:

    thank u thank u thank u! I stumbled on this page almost 4 years ago, went to Orfus that weekend, and have been an avid Orfus Rd shopper & promoter ever since. I go 3 times a year — at the end of Summer, Winter & during Boxing week to get the best & cheapest end of season clothes for next year. I don’t shop at malls/regular stores for clothes anymore — no point when I can get all I need for a fraction of the cost. I go early in the morning by bus (29 Dufferin) when stores first open (around 10am) to avoid most of the crowd. I usually use the restroom at Tim Hortons around the corner after getting my shopping java fix. Remember to bring reusable bags or buy a few at the Dollarama (bags cost 5 cents plus tax at stores *thx Toronto*).

  45. Monique says:

    Thank YOU for the helpful comment and tips! I haven’t been to Orfis Road in a while, myself… I should head out there next week for some holiday deals and update the store list in my initial post while I’m at it! :-)

  46. Deedee says:

    Love, love, love, Orfus Rd. great place to go before traveling. Gotta say I’m a little upset because I can’t find one of my favourite stores. What happened to that store called Shoe Planet? Please let me know, so I can get some great deals.

  47. Karen says:

    is there clothes for kids cuz im going over on the december break and im planning to buy my kids some clothes??? Thanks (:

  48. Karen says:

    Is there clothes for kids, because I am planning to go over on the December break???But, i’m not sure if there will be clothes that will fit my kids… (12 and 15) Thanks! (:

  49. Tiddly_Panx says:

    CANADA DAY WEEKEND!!! Orfus Road here I come. Been wanting to get some cute summer dresses & tops. Hopefully I can find something July 1 weekend, thought lately there has been more “junk” than treasures but that’s the nature of outlets at Orfus I guess.

  50. abc says:

    Does anyone know if any orfus store sells birkenstocks? thanks !

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