
Shopping at The Ex

When most people think about the Canadian National Exhibition, they usually think of games, rides and food. Why is it that whenever I go there I end up shopping 90% of the time? I love a good bargain. The Warehouse Outlet in the Direct Energy Centre is where I spent most of my time today (even though my main reason for going to The Ex today was to see the Toronto Urban Music Festival, and I reached there too late for that :( ). But I got so many clothes at a fraction of the price I would’ve paid at the regular store!!! 4 pairs of jeans for $60 and 6 T-shirts for $20 at Bluenotes… 6 pairs of dress pants for $30 at Sirens… and a (fake realistic looking) leather jacket, 2 sweatpants and a t-shirt at Fairweather for $28.

The ride home was brutal though. We had to stand the whole ride back to Union station after a 20 minute wait for a streetcar. I felt sorry for the people the streetcar passed by a few blocks away from the Exhibition grounds because it was so packed.

I’m glad I’m home now though. Maybe I’ll snack on the squished Tiny Tom Dounuts that are in my bag. I also need to make sure I have enough money left over to cover rent.

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