Posts Tagged ‘candy’

Sweet, Sugary Goodness!


Pizazz Fruit Flavoured Slices

I’ve been trying to cut down on my sugar intake over the past year or so to get on the healthy train, but every time I see these tiny morsels in the grocery store, I’m tempted to pick up a package (and as you can tell, I obviously succumbed to the temptation).

This particular brand is called Pizazz. They are “fancy fruit flavoured slices”, that try to trick you into thinking that they contain real fruit by shaping each piece into a tiny orange slice. They even have a photo of real fruit on the bottom of the package! Plus a red and bold “Fat Free” notice is printed on the package (as if to make you feel not-so-guilty downing a whole package). It’s evil, I tell ya.

They taste like an easier-to-chew gummy bear who just rolled itself in honey and ran through a sugar cane field.

With 13 grams of sugar per 3 pieces, that’s over half of the recommended daily intake.

I need to practice my self-control. Fruit slices anyone?