Archive for October, 2007

King Midas and the Skittles Touch


You ever wish you had the ability to turn objects into something else? Like gold… or better yet food? Well “Tim” here has that awesome power. Only thing is, that it’s not all that it cracks up to be.

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Very clever ad from Skittles. I feel like buying a pack right now. :D

Happy Thanksgiving!


I can’t wait to get started on my Thanksgiving cooking extravaganza!  I wish I had a kitchen with 2 ovens/ranges.  Today, I’m off to my parents house to go cook up a feast.  Leave it to me to wait until the last possible moment to do my Thanksgiving grocery shopping.  The grocery stores are gonna be packed. :(

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving everyone! :)

I Feel Like A Different Person


Remember that straight hair weave I bought a couple of months back, when I was struggling to decide whether or not to put it in or go with my usual curly style? Well I’ve gone ahead and done it. It feels so weird having super-straight hair. I haven’t permed my hair since high school, so I’m not used to the straightness of it.

When I looked in the mirror for the first time after my sister (the hairdresser) sewed the tracks into my cornrowed hair, I didn’t like it. It just didn’t seem to fit my face. But I felt bad since she just spend the last 2 hours putting it in. This morning I tried wearing it a couple of different ways (with a preference for the updo) and I think I’ll get used to it… at least for the next 3 or 4 weeks until I make my next hair change. :) I’d post a photo, but I’m too lazy to erase my full memory card, pose, and upload. :D

My Hand Sanitizer Got The Ink Stains Out From My Purse


One Step Hand SanitizerHad a meeting tonight and I got home and reached into my hand bag to check to see which phone calls I missed while I was busy. Why is it that my hand emerged from my bag covered in goo?! Okay, it wasn’t goo, it was the travel-sized One Step Hand Sanitizer that I carry with me (you can never be too careful).

Some how the lid came unscrewed and spilt almost its entire contents into the bottom of my Apple Bottom hand bag. At first I was upset, but luckily my cell phone (which has a case) was inside an interior pocket and all that got “gooed up” was some loose change, a pen, a couple of old receipts and the side of my wallet.

Now, I had some ink stains in the bottom of my purse from when an uncapped pen was floating around in there, and I had always wondered what the best way of getting those stains removed. Hand sanitizer! As I started wiping off the excess alcohol-based hand sanitizer from the inside of my purse I noticed that the ink stains were disappearing. With a little friction of the paper towel the stains were gone!

I just rinsed out the lining of my purse. Now it smells minty fresh. :)